giovedì 20 ottobre 2011

Size matter...

Like last time I'm gonna talk about my Post-Process for the black outline. Last time I've posted about the one I'm not longer using, because of its low versatility. Today I'm gonna post The shader I ve done (tutorial that I cannot remember) and that works a lot better (in my opinion). This is the shader

Thanks to this I'm able to achieve two different thickness, one is for the closer edges, the other one is for the farer. This is the result I can achieve with this particular shared, and the different iteration I can have just changing 2 constant.

Here there are 4 different version of the game with the post process on with different settings. It is very fast to change and to actually see  the difference directly on the game world. The one I'm more oriented to is the 3rd example because it actually make the player realize there is this black outline, but is not too thick and it does not look too overwhelming. 

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