First thing first, when I started to look for what kinda game I should have done for my 3rd year the first thing I looked into where the mechanics. Once I got those, I start to search for a plausible place where all those fight could actually happen. First I tough to use a school as environment, which would have been really cool for different reason, but there was a major problem. the problem was the fact that people, leave the school at one point of the day, and this would have meant that I should have modeled an outside world, an just for few scene, it wasn't worth it. Then, a massive epiphany occur to me. Jail. A really cool environment, which would actually explain why so much violence was going on. I started so to research into the subject, and I discovered there are 3 different generation of prisons.
1st generation its basically hell on hearth, it's the oldest kind of prison, I would never recommend it to no-one (I would not recommend jail time at all to be honest).
2nd generation are the ones we are use to see in movies, the one where there is the massive room with different cell for generally 2 people or more. This is the kinda prison I m gonna use.
There is finally the 3rd generation, which is basically a huge dorm room, which I m not interested in. Even if apparently it actually help the prisoners a lot more than the others 2 generations. I have few sketch and ideas, but I don't have a scanner, so nothing for the moment.
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