mercoledì 21 marzo 2012

Control is finally here

Today I was able to set my joystick to work with the game! IT's amazing!! I also started the cinematic, look sick! I, unfortunately, have a problem with a fade effect and with the draw on screen, which sucks!!! I ll manage to do it at the end, but at the moment still pretty far from finished. I had another problem in kismet, but Sarah helped me out, and tomorrow I'm gonna check it out, and solve it most definitely.
I also putted all the sounds in!

martedì 20 marzo 2012

Decals indeed

Here we go some new advances with my level, I was able today to implement loads of decals I wanted to
here we go

venerdì 16 marzo 2012

Walls and material editing

So I ve been playing around with material today just to get the walls with the correct color, I made in such a way that the Walls shader it is easily  customizable, changing colors  and so on.
I m far from finish but its going good

giovedì 15 marzo 2012

Level advances

Here we go, I fixed some problems, and now I have a ok match with my enemy, an ok looking level, I'm gonna do a lot of work on texturing in the next days. this is a video of few upgrade of everything.

martedì 13 marzo 2012


I was finally able to make the AI to attack me...and I discover something....It is way to strong!
In fact I was not able yet to defeat it, I got my ass kicked bbig time!! It does need some "fix".
How lame it is?? Not been able to beat the game you created?

Anyway, in order to keep me on my toes, now I have a new problem, after I was able to fix the Tpose on the death of the enemy, now when I die I got to damn TPOSE!! This has to be some sort of sick joke of the destiny!

lunedì 12 marzo 2012

This must be a joke

Today I was able to put plenty of sound in the game, and it does sound sick, but that "bitch" of FRAPS decided today to not record the audio, I'm pretty sure that this will make Jon say
"So...No evidence another time"
yea apparently I have no evidence

At least I have the video of vinnie dying and going to rag doll or something similar...noot really able to say what the hell is that

God dammit 32-bit

As said in a precedent post, I ve been working on the audio for the game this weekend, and I was ready this morning to rock with all my cool stuff, exept for the fact that I didnt take in count that UDK only use 16 bit wav. I have the wav file but they are 32 bit, so I ll have to resave them this afternoon

domenica 11 marzo 2012


I ve been recording loads of sound for my game, scream, fight sounds and so on, they sounds pretty cool, and I can't wait to implement them into the game. I also made few texture for assets and for the walls of the prison.

lunedì 5 marzo 2012

Damn T pose

I ve been working around in udk and this is watch came out, I have my character in udk, right scale, right Map, combat working. Whats missing? The crowd system is getting me crazy, no tutorial seems to have much sense, I ll try again tomorrow.

domenica 4 marzo 2012

Working on My Character

I ve been working on my scale for my character and I tried to get the right scale of my character, and I m gonna add it in game tomorrow, also I ve tried to fix the camera problem, moving the orientation of the axes.  I have no Evidence so you re free to not believe me

venerdì 2 marzo 2012

RAndom Punches!!!

Eve if they don't hurt me (yet) but I was able to make my enemy switch between different attack,  just 5 now, and....attack me

Momentum much?

I ve spent 20 minutes trying to understand why my enemy disappear after every single punch after a while I see something moving far away, and I discovered that my momentum was set to an ridiculous amount, projecting him to miles away from me, but now